February 1, 2017
January 31, 2017
Design Process: Rapid Protoyping
January 24, 2017
10 DO's for a Successful Semester Online (for learners)
I thought you might enjoy this class project I just completed last week. It is entitled "10 DO's for a Successful Semester Online." Get ready to have a great Spring semester by following these simple tips for students - or share these tips with your class!
The design could be improved with more time, which I might come back and do at another time. Enjoy the tips! :-)
January 3, 2017
Back to the grind... Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences
I wanted to share another piece of coursework I created over the past year that I thought might be helpful to others. This was a really fun cartoon project created in the Gardner's Multiple Intelligences unit. Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences states that learners can have one or many of these 8 intelligences displayed as a primary learning mode. You can read more about Gardner's theories here.
This cartoon strip is an imaginary take on the interaction of these 8 intelligences:
Fun and informative!
December 21, 2016
Happy First Day of Winter! - "Metacognitive Strategies" (Student Study Guide)
What tools or strategies do you use for studying? Did these suggestions work? I know I will be using these strategies this Spring when I study for my M.Ed. program comprehensive exam!
October 1, 2016
Welcome to my blog!
**2021 update - I earned my masters in 2017 and have continued onto my doctorate. I'm currently working in a freelance capacity.**
Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. A little about me first (my bio):
Ms. Amber C. Lee is a seasoned technical communicator currently working towards the completion of her Master's degree in Education with a concentration in Instructional Technology. Her career goal is to become a successful Instructional Design Faculty member in an institution of higher education. She earned her Bachelor’s degree at USF in English with a concentration in Professional & Technical Writing.
Previously with Hillsborough Community College, she held the positions of Resource Coordinator, managing all sustainability and training initiatives for the hospitality vendor of HCC, and district Sustainability Specialist, leading HCC to earn the inaugural Green Genome Award from the American Association of Community Colleges in 2012.
In her free time, Amber enjoys spending time with her family, being outdoors, and learning new things. She was born in Phoenix, Arizona, and has traveled throughout Europe and North America. She believes in excellence and integrity as guiding principles in her life.
And a pretty picture to get us started (that I took out West):
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