January 15, 2013
Every Piece Of Waste Has A Story
January 12, 2012
Represent: Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee for Tampa Bay Regional Metropolitan Planning Organization
Downtown yesterday, I was asked if I would represent Eastern Hillsborough County's interests on the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) for the Tampa Bay Regional Metropolitan Planning Organization. Katharine and I were there to represent the college and our need for adequate bike lanes to our campuses as a way to reduce our carbon footprint.
The committee's website is here.
January 9, 2012
Mmmm.. So Good.. An Alternative to Soy Milk
Making the switch to vegetarianism? I recently watched the free Youtube documentary entitle "Home". I highly recommend seeing this film.
Watch it here when you have the time.
What struck me the most in the film is that it takes 10x more energy to produce an animal meat product that a vegetable or fruit product- meaning more water, feed, space, etc - and creating 10x the carbon footprint. Yes, animal protein was extremely important initially in our species' brain development, and I know I'll probably want a thick, juicy steak grilled to perfection at some point down the road (my mouth is watering at the thought). Thanks to greater availability of non-meat imitations, soy products and increased grocery availability in general for most Americans, its not hard to shift your eating choices away from that of meat products.
If you are adapting to a vegetarian lifestyle (no matter what type), try this product as a non-soy milk replacement: Silk Pure Almond. I've tried the vanilla flavor so far, and it tastes DELICIOUS! Its low in calories and high in calcium, vitamins D & E, and protein. I feel like I'm having a milkshake when I'm drinking a glass... Yum!!
Check out all the great reasons to switch to Silk Pure Almond here.
January 7, 2012
Invitation to Love (poem)
Helen, Georgia taken by: Amber C. Lee |
January 6, 2012
U.S. Postal Service Takes A Green Step
September 11, 2008
In Memory...
We all know what happened seven years ago today.. And while I'm still not sure of who exactly attacked those innocent lives or how the reinforced towers fell due to extreme heat (steel has never melted from a fire) or why witnesses reported secondary explosions or why an airliner was able to penetrate the Pentagon's airspace after the Towers had been attacked... but I do believe I know why they choose the targets they did.. The Twin Towers were symbolic of America's wealth, trade, and capitalistic values, and the Pentagon represents our military power.
Over 2,900 Americans and 236 foreigners died in the attacks, and many are still missing and presumed dead.

Currently in Iraq, there have been over 87,000 civilian and 4,155 American military casualties.
In the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 1,290 Palestinians and 86 Israelis have been killed.
An estimated 160,000 to 400,000 have been murdered in the Darfur region of Africa, and the genocide is still occurring to date.
In 1994, the UN reports that 800,000 were killed during the Rwandan Genocide.
During the Cambodian genocide of 1975-1979, an estimated 1,700,000 lost their lives.
From 1933 to 1935, the Holocaust claimed the lives of an estimated 9,000,000 to 11,000,000.
Over 1,500,000 Armenians were killed from 1915 to 1917.
Why do we continue to harm each other? Hatred and misunderstanding. Extremism and twisted views.
We are all human-- no matter who our God is, what color our skin is, who our ancestors were, or what's mine and what's yours. It's time we started treating each other that way!
Thank you to all the peace-makers. Thank you to all those that try to help and save others. And today, we should not only remember those that died seven years ago in the 9/11 attacks, but the millions who have lost their lives from the misguided hatred of others in our past...

September 8, 2008
How Small We Really Are...
Today, I watched a movie (for free) from Hulu.com entitled Cosmic Voyage. Narrated by Morgan Freeman and full of neat views of both the macrocosm (big stuff) and the microcosm (little stuff), it's a real eye opener to all that's around us and where are universe came from..
It was quite humbling, especially when the film zooms out to a view like that below (from the Hubble telescope), and you realize that all of those millions of galaxies have billions of stars, which most likely have planets, and most probably life.
Take a look at all of these galaxies:

This video is from Youtube.com entitled How the Milky Way Will End:
If two galaxies collide, and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound??
Intriguing and educational.. I love films like these!
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